Set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world, the story follows Adelita, a character based on the archetype of the female soldier in the Mexican Revolution. Heavily influenced by Mexican folklore, with elements and visual settings similar to Mad Max: The Road Warrior, 80’s action and martial art movies, and dystopian sci-fi with a fantasy aura reminiscent of Fables, making the series a perfect blend to appeal to a wide range of fans!
Outrider Publications is proud to announce our second full-volume Deadlands Graphic Novel, this time telling the epic and tragic tale of Deadlands' original villain, Raven! From the tragedy of his childhood that set him on a path to vengeance to his unleashing massive destruction on the world to his freeing of the Reckoners and the unleashing of the Reckoning, this full-sized graphic novel covers hundreds of years of the man so consumed with vengeance he would see the world burn!
Warlock 5 - The Revenge From Cullen Bunn & Jimmy Z!
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 06:36:35 PM
Hello everybody!
We're down to the last 24 hours on our comic project, Warlock 5: The Revenge on Kickstarter!
Don't miss out on this sequel to Warlock 5: The Return from Cullen Bunn, Jimmy Z, Ger Curti, Paul Little, and Shannon Potratz. This new book picks up right where things left off on the Return - and if you missed out on the Omnibus of the original Warlock 5 or The Return, you can get those too!
The book is done, complete, finished, and once we're funded, we'll be going to print right away! If you loved the previous Warlock 5 books, don't miss out on this!
Warlock 5 The Revenge to Launch August 2nd!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 08:24:52 PM
Hello everybody!
I wanted to take a moment to let you know that the sequel to Warlock 5: The Return will launch on August 2nd! Writers Cullen Bunn and Jimmy Z are back for this new installment, with newcomers Ger Curti and Paul Little on the art!
This book picks up right where The Return left off, so get ready for a wild ride!
If you want to be notified when we launch, click on the image above or click here!
Our imprint, Outrider Publications, is also currently running a campaign for a weird western comic based on Pinnacle Entertainment'sDead Lands! It's titled Rise of the Black Circle and is written by Dead Lands creator Shane Lacy Hensley, and illustrated by Aaron Palsmeier and Simon Gough. Check out this cover!
Check out the campaign by clicking on the image above or clicking here!
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 09:45:57 PM
Hello everybody!
First, I have to apologize. Getting things all together and where they needed to be for shipping proved to be harder than any of us expect. But, the good news is this -
Everything is at our warehouse right now.
As of a few moments ago (when I checked), it has all been packed.
That means that shipping will commence in the next several days!
Thank you all for your tremendous patience on this project - we definitely feel that you'll love the book we've created. And this is just the start - there's a whole universe that Cullen has created, starting with Dragonring.
Our next projects will NOT be running so far behind.
We are definitely excited to hear what you think of Dragonring as you get it and read it. Cullen and Shannon really did an amazing job on this book.
If you have any questions or issues with your order, please email me directly - [email protected]. I'll get it sorted out right away.